It’s always fun to get a nice surprise. For one of my customers, their social media initiatives focused only on Twitter and Linked-In, as that’s what the staff knew. Then, they hired Natalie to work their reception desk. Natalie also happened to be a passionate (some might say addicted) Facebook user, so she started working the business’ Facebook feed.
Very soon, Facebook start showing up on the dashboard as a high value source of website traffic and sales leads. During one of our dashboard reviews, the owner said, “I thought we weren’t focused on Facebook?” The manager’s response was, “We’re not. Natalie’s been squeezing Facebook posting in and doing when she can.”
More than fifty leads, later the company made Facebook posting one of Natalie’s priority responsibilities, and traffic and leads flourished.
Eventually, the company added Facebook advertising to their marketing strategy, and it too blossomed into a valuable lead generation tool.
Key Indicators from the Dashboard
Sales Leads by Channel
Lesson(s) Learned
Social media brings traffic to your website, but does it bring sales? Answer that question honestly.